StronGer ToGather As we move forward, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the bravery of those who face hardships and challenges every day. Though the road ahead may be tough, with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. By supporting one another and working together, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future. Let's remain hopeful and optimistic, trusting that our efforts will pay off in the end. The possibilities for the future are endless, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. As we look towards the future, we must prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. It is essential that we recognize and appreciate the courage of those who face difficulties and hardships every day. The road ahead may not be easy, but with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. I believe that by working together and supporting each other, we can cr...
Leadership training is crucial for any management role. Whether you have a large team or just got your first hire, leadership training can help you be the best possible leader.
A strong foundation of leadership training will help you effectively direct your team towards success. This is a key part of reaching your goals.
Take a leadership training course
Leadership training is a quick shortcut into the role of a leader and saves you both worry and extra work. To take a training course in leadership is to invest in yourself as a leader. You'll learn lessons that you can start using right away. For example, you'll learn how to lead former colleagues, how group dynamics work, and how to set up rules for your team that everyone can get behind. This way, you save a lot of time and effort through fewer conflicts and smoother work solutions.
Lessons to be learned during leadership training are that most often employees do not leave companies, they leave a bad boss. Bad managers are of great importance for staff turnover in an organization. They also help prevent people and teams from working smoothly and productively. In some companies, you stare blindly at things like sales, marketing and operational efficiency. Leadership skills, knowledge of leadership issues and expertise in the field of leadership are forgotten. They forget that the most obvious driver of a good business outcome is the person who leads it all. A good manager, who has probably completed a training course in leadership, ensures that commitment is created in the team. Such a leader the staff wants to stay with.
Leadership training leads forward
As much as 70% of a team's engagement comes from the attitude towards the leader. A team with a good leader generates on average more revenue. Training in leadership for new managers is, therefore, a very good investment. As a company, you benefit from sending leaders on leadership training, if you want teams to perform at their full potential. Starting with the knowledge of the leaders is very important for a good result. Make sure you have continuous leadership development.
In 2020, we were faced with a new work situation. Many were forced to work remotely. The line between private and work life was blurred. This allowed the leader to take on an even greater significance. Now he or she would be proficient in leadership without human contact. Many wanted to take a training course in leadership to learn how to lead remotely. Now we have become better at remote leadership and through leadership training, many leaders have acquired skills suitable for leading through the computer.
Leadership training teaches you to steer in the same direction
A good leader ensures that everyone on the team steers in the same direction, towards a common goal. During leadership training, you'll learn about getting the group to collaborate. Without leadership, everyone in the car will steer randomly in different directions. In the end, it often turns out that you haven't gotten anywhere. Companies shouldn't waste valuable time and finite resources driving around in circles. Acquire skills through training in leadership and put a driver behind the wheel, backed by co-drivers.
Good leadership training provides good leadership
When the budget is tightened and an organization has to save, leadership training is often among the first things cut out. This leads to skills not being developed and you end up with leaders who are becoming increasingly frustrated. Maybe now they should do more work with fewer employees, while trying to learn how to engage and lead their people, often remotely. It becomes a new work situation to deal with and it becomes more difficult by lacking the tools and skills to lead successfully. If your leaders are not sufficiently knowledgeable to lead, what can you do?
Good leadership training is part of the solution. It provides knowledge, skills and new insights. Let leaders attend training so they can build the skills they need to be good leaders and build strong leadership habits. Let your leaders learn:
Develop the skills of leadership training
Teach your leaders the key skills to be able to lead effectively. During leadership training, they gain the skills to listen attentively, be able to ask honest questions, give and receive feedback, and hold difficult conversations. It's important to make sure your leaders understand why these skills are important. They need to realize that they will make them more effective leaders.
Once the basic skills are in place, the leader needs to start applying what he or she has learned. This is the most important step in the process when leaders should translate their learning into action. Now the leader can get a chance to practice, try what works and what doesn't work, and make adjustments to get better. Feel free to choose a leadership training that includes exercises. Practising lessons learned is an important part of creating a new habit. Therefore, ensure that your leaders have time to put the learning into action. For example, after leadership training, you can role-play with colleagues to practice. Or better yet, try it in real-life situations with your team. This is where the growth of leadership skills happens.
Leadership training – feedback
Reflecting and giving feedback can be both difficult and developing. When we try a new skill with a team member and it doesn't work as expected, it can be unpleasant. Maybe you're thinking that no, it didn't work, best to immediately forget about it all. But it may be precisely this unpleasant moment that is your opportunity to learn more. Why didn't it work? Was there anything that went well? Evaluate honestly and sincerely, and try to highlight what you can learn from what occurred.
The brain needs time to adjust, learn and recode ingrained patterns and behaviours. By reflecting, you can make adjustments for the next time. This is a model that is very effective in translating new skills into action and building long-term habits.