
StronGer ToGather

                           StronGer ToGather As we move forward, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the bravery of those who face hardships and challenges every day. Though the road ahead may be tough, with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. By supporting one another and working together, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future. Let's remain hopeful and optimistic, trusting that our efforts will pay off in the end. The possibilities for the future are endless, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. As we look towards the future, we must prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. It is essential that we recognize and appreciate the courage of those who face difficulties and hardships every day. The road ahead may not be easy, but with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. I believe that by working together and supporting each other, we can create a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow. Let us rema

Risk Management in medical organizations and medicine

Risk Management In Medical Organizations & Medicine


Lawyers and HR specialists of a medical institution always seek the Protection of the rights of medical organizations and medical workers A medical organization can be influenced by the internal risks of its activities therefore it should take them into account and prepare for the influence of external factors.

 How to prepare for possible inspections, as well as to co-exist in a risk-oriented model of business and external supervision (local/regional laws)?

Informing the patient: ethical and legal aspects to save and prepare the documents that will be used in routine Checks and validate/report for any changes for clinics that will or have happened.

Legal Risks in Healthcare: External Factors from the Risk-oriented model for organizations operating in a certain country/state and having to employ state/government control (supervision) SOPs, policy and inspections

 What mistakes do HR personnel and medical doctors often make? 

Liability of clinics for violation of licensing requirements Personnel management system according to the regional/local Legal instructions, in Healthcare: External Factors Concerning external risks that can create serious threats to the medical and financial activities of the healthcare organization, 3 main groups of risks can be distinguished: 1. Impossibility of resolving certain issues through negotiations and, as a result, the appeal of patients of the medical organization and (or) the medical organization to the judicial authorities for their settlement; 2. Violations of the terms of contracts by clients (patients, legal representatives of patients) and contractors of the medical organization. 3. Imperfection of the legal system (lack of sufficient legal regulation, inconsistency of the legislation of the Russian Federation, its susceptibility to changes, including in terms of "imperfection" of methods of state regulation and (or) supervision). Visiting hospital patients in post-Covid. How not to violate the rights of relatives Risk-oriented model of state control (supervision) To date, Russia has a risk-oriented model. The organization and conduct of control measures take place without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. In this model, it is possible to act precisely by the method of observation, without regularly invading the activities of a particular clinic unnecessarily. How is the control carried out without interfering with the work of the clinic? 1. Monitoring compliance with mandatory requirements when posting information on the Internet and the media. If the medical organization has a website - watch its content, what information about doctors is posted. For example, very often they write the name of the specialities of doctors, services, etc. incorrectly, do not place all the information that needs to be placed. 2. Monitoring compliance with mandatory requirements through the analysis of information on the activities or actions of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur. To the question of how can you get information about a medical clinic as a legal entity remotely? We go to the Roszdravnadzor website, enter the data, get a license. Download this file. And in it, you can already see all the vice versa it will increase. This can greatly affect the business reputation of the clinic - an attentive patient will notice that the clinic regularly violates, does not increase its risk group, checks appear in it constantly. Also in the risk-based model, you can pay attention to new types of checks: inspection visit; on-site inspection; test purchase; documentary verification.

In my humble opinion as an Academic graduate and business experience, I Beleive wherever the law end and can't contribute with a clear white or black decision (grey area), here is where Business ethics and the very deep business integrity and ethics of the organizations start to show.

There's an old but still gold saying, business ethics and integrity starts where the law ends.

Written by: Ahmad S Houran - Bch Pharmaceutical sciences / MSc. Business administration - University of Cumbria, England UK.


  • Calhoun, T. “Peer review and risk management.” Journal of the National Medical Association vol. 85,9 (1993): 692-4.
  • Jencks SF, Wilensky GR. The health care quality improvement initiative. A new approach to quality assurance in Medicare. JAMA. 1992 Aug 19;268(7):900–903.
