
StronGer ToGather

                           StronGer ToGather As we move forward, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the bravery of those who face hardships and challenges every day. Though the road ahead may be tough, with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. By supporting one another and working together, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future. Let's remain hopeful and optimistic, trusting that our efforts will pay off in the end. The possibilities for the future are endless, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. As we look towards the future, we must prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. It is essential that we recognize and appreciate the courage of those who face difficulties and hardships every day. The road ahead may not be easy, but with determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. I believe that by working together and supporting each other, we can cr...

Creative leadership


Creative leadership

Creative leadership requires knowledge

In many of today's recruitment ads, creativity is a demanded trait. As a manager and leader, you are also now expected to exercise creative leadership. Creativity has become a bit of a buzzword. In many people's ears, the same thing is as saying that you are good at solving problems. But what exactly is the meaning of the word? And is creating something that we want everyone to be all the time?

Teresa Amabiles, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School in Boston. Describes creativity as a method of problem-solving in his book "Creativity in Context". And believes that creativity requires knowledge. Both in a certain area and on different methods of innovation. When these skills interact with intrinsic motivation. Can we begin a creative process?

Creative leadership is very much about being open

Creative leadership is very much about being open to seeing things from other perspectives. And find new ways and dare to question habitual patterns. As a leader, delegate and allow their employees to perform the tasks in their way. Demonstrates creative leadership.

Encourage your surroundings to use their creative abilities. By you together in the team reflecting on issues and creating an atmosphere with high ceilings. So that everyone feels free to express their thoughts and ideas. Leadership development is getting out of your comfort zone.

Work on your creative leadership and ability

As a leader, you can work on your creative leadership and creative ability. By asking curious and open-up questions on a larger scale. And then really take in and reflect on the answers. Also, do not shy away from daring to respond. With alternative musings or perspectives.

Drop the pressure that these musings must be revolutionary and analyzed. They can simply be simple ideas. Which nevertheless welcomes new approaches and invites discussion. Leadership development in all its forms. Gives energy which you as a leader can not get too much of.

Creative leadership generates new ideas

A leader who is constantly bubbling with creativity and new thinking. Must also have some stability and predictability. As a counterweight so as not to be perceived as unstructured and unreliable in the role. That is why we need a workplace with diversity and people who possess different qualities.

Creative leadership does not mean that you, as a leader, must constantly come up with new ideas and perform creative actions. Some things that need to be done don't always require creativity in large measure. Then they should instead be performed according to a certain format or according to a certain model. Most people feel at their best when creativity can be mixed with confident patterns and recognizable methods.

Leadership Development in Creative Leadership

Leadership development is something you as a leader should constantly strive for. How you now go about developing your personal and your leadership is of less importance. If you are striving for more creative leadership. Are there several courses and pieces of training you can attend that can help you with just this? It is not entirely obvious what the definition of creative leadership is.

According to leadership expert Farida Rasulzada, creative leaders are very relationship- and change-oriented people. Who devote themselves to reflection and reflection. They have a broad experience base and are visionaries.

Creative leadership is based on clear communication

As a manager and leader, it is extra important that you can question without criticizing. Creative leadership, like any other kind of leadership, is based on clear communication. In your leadership development, you should therefore practice including your employees even more in your thoughts. By asking them for their thoughts regarding various alternative solutions to a problem.

This will cause your co-workers to actively reflect on situations. Which in turn can generate more optimal solutions. You as a leader may need some guidance on how to practically go about increasing your creative ability. A training or course on the subject will give you the right aid.

Creative leadership requires a strategy

You who practice creative leadership must also learn to have a strategy. For how you let the ability be expressed in your role and your tasks. The risk with a manager and leader who is very creative is that this does not allow employees to have space for their creative sides. That's why it's paramount that you work out a strategy. Which allows them to come up with their approaches and their perspectives. That you, as a leader, can acknowledge and realize the possible fears you go and carry. Is also a step in your personal leadership development.

Creative leader practising creative leadership

Many managers and leaders put undue pressure on themselves. By thinking that they are not good enough in the role. And are also often afraid of being perceived as weak and ignorant. Therefore, a creative leader who exercises creative leadership can easily take up a little too much space. When, instead, they would be better leaders if they spent more time on reflection and thoughtfulness.

As a manager and leader, showing oneself human does not show weakness, but quite the opposite. Through leadership development, you will realize that this humanity creates a better working environment. At the same time, it also forges stronger bonds between you and your co-workers.

Are you a creative leader or not?

How, then, are you supposed to know if you are a creative leader or not? Don't overanalyze the issue, but instead decide that you're going to exercise creative leadership. If you see yourself as a creative person and actively work from the guides mentioned earlier, you will get there.

Practice allowing your employees more space. And ask more open-to-the-line questions and you will soon experience a noticeable difference. All leadership development is always based on the person you are. And the qualities you can reinforce and develop.

Wanting to grow as an individual through leadership development

Your task as a manager and leader is not to have all the answers. Without creating the best conditions for your employees. To be able to come up with solutions by your machine. As soon as you or these solve a problem that does not have a given solution, it demonstrates creativity. It is an art to be able to ask the right questions that give the right answers.

And it takes creative leadership to dare to fail several times before succeeding. Leadership development is based on passion and a desire to grow as an individual. Remember, however, that no road is straight, but that we all have to climb hills. Big and small, to get where we want.
